Comeca provides BIM objects for GALAXIS switchboard
BIM is the main development axis of the digital transformation of the building. In France, the BIM 2022 plan has just been signed by the government and building professionals to accelerate the digital transformation of construction. COMECA had to contribute to your "collaborative 3D virtual construction plan".
What is BIM?
BIM (Building Information Modeling) is the set of tools, objects, methods that allow the digital design of constructions and the management of the life cycle of installations.

BIM allows better design of buildings and their components, it generates project gains by limiting errors (approximately 20% saved on the construction budget, because there are fewer errors, according to studies carried out in UK), it allows also better identification and management of the assets.
BIM phases cover the entire life cycle of a project. Depending on the phase, the BIM object used includes more graphics or more data to meet the need.

COMECA's GALAXIS switchboard in BIM object

COMECA provides BIM objects for GALAXIS, in REVIT format. As GALAXIS range is wide and as our switchboards are based on multi-panels solution, the first objects we provide for download are GALAXIS front access ACB and MCC panels. Assembling these panels together in your sketch will give the switchboard you foresee.
- GALAXIS AF8075M is the ACB panel with mid rear busbar used for ACB rated up to 3200Amps
- GALAXIS AF1075M is the ACB panel with mid rear busbar used for ACB rated up to 4000Amps
- GALAXIS MF1075M is the MCC panel with mid rear busbar up to 4000Amps
The models we currently offer are useful models for the design and feed phases. They are in LOD100 format. They give the volumes of the switchboards and the reserves to be foreseen to exploit them. Our models are associated with a whole list of characteristics which allow the architect to select and define them.
Below, an example of a FEED design during which the volumes only are managed to ensure everything can be installed in the premises.

Rear access GALAXIS objects will be available soon for download. Would you like to get them earlier, just ask us.
We will create new objects and we will also improve our objects from LOD100 up to LOD500, this can be done upon request for particular projects. In a dynamic of continuous improvement, your comments are welcome to allow us to enrich our objects or adapt them to your work habits.
Improve your switchboard maintenance thanks to BIM
Once the switchboard is delivered, operation and maintenance data will feed on the models. At this stage, a lot of technical data is required on the model (up to the reference of each component and the link to its PDF technical sheet). From that, operation and maintenance teams will be able to manage the maintenance of our switchboards over the long term.
In a near future, when technical solutions will be found for electric cables objects, users will be able to 'light up' a cable from loads up to our switchboards and their components.