The rolling stock of T2C (Transports en Commun de l'agglomération Clermontoise), which has been in operation since 2006, is being renovated in order to extend the lifespan of the trains by replacing obsolete components and equipment that are in a state of severe wear and tear or have poor reliability. Comeca was involved in the electrical part, including the HV and underframe wiring.
The T2C (Transport en Commun de l'agglomération Clermontoise) network includes a tramway line and 24 bus lines. This represents 30 million trips per year and 38,800 subscribers using the transport network. The Clermond Auvergne metropolis has delegated the responsibility for transport to the STMC (Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun de l'agglomération Clermontoise). Created in 1976, the STMC manages public transport for an urban area of 292,000 inhabitants comprising 23 member municipalities of the agglomeration. The fleet is composed of 25 STE4 trams on tyres, guided by a central rail.
The T2C's rolling stock, which has been in service since 2006, is being renovated in order to extend the service life of the trams by replacing obsolete components and equipment that are in a state of severe wear and tear or have poor reliability.