Since 1st July 2019, the COMECA group has merged its French companies to create a single company, COMECA France composed of 12 establishments. COMECA's activities on these establishments have not changed and remain:
For our customers and suppliers nothing changes, everything becomes easier!
Following this reorganisation, your establishment in Languedoc Roussillon France, also known as the "Grand Hall", is simplifying its operations to better meet the expectations of our customers and suppliers. In a process of ISO 9001 certification for several months now, we are putting our will into practice by reorganising our activities.
At the beginning of this year, we set up a quality approach, a structuring of our activity, a better traceability of our products and an organisation in accordance with a V2015 reference. All this with the aim of improving our customers' satisfaction. Our supply is simplified from 3 flows linked to our activities to a single centralised one for our establishment.
Our activities remain the same: control command and protection panels, HV LV connections and low-voltage switchboards for the small and large commercial sector.
Please send your orders and invoices to BU210 which today represents all our activities: merger of the depots of BU080, BU285 and BU210.
SIRET 398 215 095 00025
Le Grand Hall - ZA Les Avants
All the information sent to you at the time of the COMECA France merger in July 2019 remains unchanged, only the establishment indicator changes:
Our conditions of sale and purchase are unchanged. To consult them go to our website:
Reception of COMECA France Grand Hall: Aurélie MIRA - +33 4 67 55 87 30
Sales Administration: Pascale CASSEREAU
Supply department (invoicing and supplier order): Sandrine ROUSSEL
Sales department: Yves VINCHES